Library Event Exhibition held at the Office of the Vice Regent Bangkalan start at open on January 7, and lasted for 3 days (7, 8, 9 January). Islamic New Year on the 1st of Muharram diperangati or December 8, 2010.
Heritage may have been a rare thing in Indonesia and is rarely found lately. With this exhibition, Heritage not only used as historical relics, but also as an object collection. In this exhibition, there are many collections on display, even those that have hundreds of years old. The heirlooms are deliberately kept. Most came from Java and Madura are obtained from the family heritage.
Not only kris, there also exhibited a spear. These items are said to function as an heirloom once-royal heritage and the weapons used by kings, knights and soldiers.With this exhibition, it is expected the visitors can find relics of historical objects.
Heritage Exhibition Bangkalan
Ditulis oleh : Indonesia Documents Group
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