
Hey soob aq .... this time will tell about the real character of the madura. lots of people outside madura madura who think that person was ROUGH, CRUEL, quarrelsome (LIKE carok), SHY maluin. All that one sob ... if we think before seeing the real then it is a mere lie. Everyone who has visited kemadura sure they are satisfied with everything in Madura. they were pleased with the character possessed by the person madura madura and response to them. they are not only pleased with the character possessed by the people of Madura, but they have come to believe that assumption - the assumption of outsiders against the Madurese are all wrong. In addition to the character of Madura, the advantage held by the madura is its natural beauty and traditional food. Sob .... Come visit to Madura,,,, aq Ntar sure you nganterin around madura ....

Judul: Madurese
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